Monday, 24 February 2014

Winter's last Hoorah!!

Well saturday morning I woke up and.....

And then... it didn't stop!!! Tonight is the end of the THIRD day of straight snow. SAY WHAT?? in BC??? and for 3 days!! I mean its not that unusually to get snow a couple times during the winter - but at the end of February I had definitely given up! 

Sunday afternoon Nicks sister Jen, Nick and I took the ATV out into Nicks parents field and dragged the tube behind it. Miro came out for a run with us too!! Never to young to play in the snow. No one can make us grow up!  

And on the way home from school today.... a winter wonderland =) 

Cold treat for a .... cold day?

Days like these make me tolerate the winter. But when the rain comes again - you won't find anymore more excited about the summer =)

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